Hungry Cold and Musical?!

My Thought Chain

Crank That Olinselot

What does President Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Goats have in common?

What Would You Do for Nachos?

Time Travel

I want Black Ops

Baby's first word is F???

Party All Night Long

Not a Pretty Sight

Potty Talk - Avatar 2 & 3 Men in Black 3 and Tsunami

What is This? Please HELP!

First Impressions

Why Birthdays Suck

So you want to have a baby?

Hot Chicks Don't Play Nice

Where Should I Go?

Rotting Corpses

New Drink

I was so tired I decided to save the world

12 Question Tag


Tune In

Justin Bieber Time Machine

$8 million iPhones!

The Cat House

Udapimp Idaho
